"Angah's bleeding...she has to undergo an operation..."
that's what my mum told me on one morning, she too had to take an emergency leave to JB where my sister was warded...she was eight-month-one-day pregnant when the problem occured...she did too much work and had caused real worry to us...
praised to ALLAH she safely delivered a baby boy...safe and sound...both mum and the baby...even though my sister and her hubby had to wait for hours to be examined by the doctor-in-charge...JB's hospital was always packed (half of the patient were the immigrant workers...sigh)...she then was brought back to our house in seremban...moreover the new-born baby had jaundis...almost 6 weeks! huh! luckily we lived near the hospital (previously) and for further info, he had been warded twice due to the disease...
at first, he was a tiny little baby...but now a healthy and active little boy...talkative...naughty...and the attention of the family...here are his pictures in chronology...amirul hamzah bin ajmain
i'm learning to stand straight by leaning against the sliding door
waaaa! i've chicken pox! suffer!
what a heaven! my fav sleeping style...ngeh!ngeh!ngeh!
15-month-old...my 1st aidilfitri in taiping
18-month-old...it's mine...!
current pic...i'm adorable by youuu... ;-)
eating ice-cream in the igloo tent
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