"Askm, muhd khalish telah kembali ke rahmatullah pd 2.50 pagi.
semuga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. Al-fathiha."
("Assalamualaikum, muhd khalish had passed away at 2.50 am.
may Allah bless him. Al-fathiha.")
....i received an sms at 3.03 am on 14 august from my friend telling that her youngest son passsed away due to influenza A (H1N1) after being isolated over a week in icu, hosp tuaku jaafar, seremban. never had a chance to meet him when he was alive (maybe i did but i didn't noticed it), i was speechless in the quiet morning...i recited Al-fatihah for him and replied my friend's sms...
"it's time for him to meet the Creator...ALLAH swt...may ALLAH place him under His bless...my condolence to you and family."
i had an intention to go to the hospital on my way to school on that morning but i knew i'll be late therefore, i didn't go...my principal is an unpredictable person...i couldn't think of what she'd be saying if i am late to work...at school, a religious teacher approached me with a question...
"hani, did you go and visit marsita?"
-"i didn't go. i might be late if i go. "
"never mind then. i'm going to ask permission from the pricipal to recite yassin for arwah khalish. if you do not have teaching and learning session, come and join us at mussola. "
" i will."
later on, i got to know that no one ( i do not know if this news is true or false) from the school visit the poor family at the hospital...no representatives at all...maybe! no more comments on that!
to those who still alive, this virus is so dangerous especially to the youngs, old people and those who have chronic diseases such as asthmatic, diabetic, kidney problem, heart problem, hipertension etc. let's be more aware of this virus and reduce your outdoor activity...if you have to, wear mask for protection. if you have toddler, make sure you take bath and change your previous clothes to avoid anything miserable happened to them.
"mati itu pasti, hidup itu Insya-ALLAH"...qoute Laksamana Sunan by Ramlee Awang Murshid in Trilogi Bagaikan Puteri.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
lambaian kasih budimu disanjung
10 august 2009, we had a special school assembly on monday morning...all administrators lined-up on the front, well dressed...including the very important person on the day...hosted by a bahasa melayu teacher, she started the assembly with a short speech before we proceeded with the national anthem and state's song.
after all being seated, the very important person was asked to give his farewell speech...i could sense that he was a bit unprepared yet uncomfortable due to what he's about to say...he started the speech with a smile...and it continued evenly...he spoke about his first timer came to the school on year 1991 ( i was 13 yr old then...), he made jokes...we laughed, he advised the students...they listened, he advised the teachers...we(myself)...agreed, he humbly apologised...we accepted it.
me...tried hard not to cry...but yes, tears dropped on my cheek...quickly being dried with one wipe...it's quite difficult to control my feelings on that peaceful monday morning coz i wasn't prepared for it...(do i sound so typical?) i thought he'd be leaving us on 16 august so we'd be able to see him till end of the week...
whenever we love a person, a special feelings are built and grown in our heart...therefore, when a time came for him to be far away from us, that we could never have chance to communicate like before, the feelings of sadness easily appeared...and that's happened to me...
no deny i feel comfortable to work under his supervision coz he'd been showing understanding and accepting our opinions in a good manner...thus, i feel unhappy to have a new person to take his post...
being promoted in young age is an opportunity for an educator like him...therefore, he should accept the offer coz it's one of the way for him to show what he's able to do as the senior assistant one... i strongly believe that this person is to be a good leader in the new school like he always be in our school...
to en. ab. razak bin junus...i wish you have a wonderful time to serve in your new school...and had a great and unforgettable moment in duma...i personally will always remember you as the great senior assistant of curricular.
till we meet again...! a warmest regards to you ;)
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