Sunday, December 06, 2009
every weekend travel to relatives and friends houses to attend their weddings...tired but worth it because we get opportunity to update each of week will be a busy week tilll january...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
tadaaa...amoi got married...
fizah aka amoi is one of my cousins...look at her...mostly people would speak mandarin with her due to her's really funny when listening to her experiences about the misunderstanding... ;p...nasib ko le fizah...chinese gene is more dominant in your blood.
on last sunday,11 oct '09, my sisters and i manage to attend her wedding ceremony...she looks vibrant in red! phewww...what a bald choice of colour but suited her and the hubby very well...i had a good time because i hardly met some of my relatives glad in seeing them and got chance to update each others'...
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
padang, sumatera barat
the earthquake that hit padang had given me a shocked because i'd joined my colleagues for a holiday trip to padang a couples on month ago. i wonder about the places we visited and the local people we met. luckily nothing happened when we were there. are those buildings still exist as seen in the pictures???

Monday, October 05, 2009
wena and amoi's wed....
this is my schoolmate - rowena married on 3rd oct '09...been there as the 2nd schoolmate appeared...met intan the-1st-schoolmate-appeared, she got back early...later on, met wit others...really happy because i'd finally have a chance to meet my dearly bestfriend - noordariah! miss her so much!
me, intan, granny and the bride- rowena...congrats!
next will be my cousin's wed...will upload the entry and pics later...
they're praying for flying colours
the bottles filled with sky juice for yassin reciting. the water is to be drunk later throughout examination periods
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Eid Mubarak

to all friends out there...wherever you are...whatever you do...
eat safely during the festive and your visit to relatives houses
Sunday, August 16, 2009
al-fatihah to muhd khalish bin kaswadi
"Askm, muhd khalish telah kembali ke rahmatullah pd 2.50 pagi.
semuga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. Al-fathiha."
("Assalamualaikum, muhd khalish had passed away at 2.50 am.
may Allah bless him. Al-fathiha.")
....i received an sms at 3.03 am on 14 august from my friend telling that her youngest son passsed away due to influenza A (H1N1) after being isolated over a week in icu, hosp tuaku jaafar, seremban. never had a chance to meet him when he was alive (maybe i did but i didn't noticed it), i was speechless in the quiet morning...i recited Al-fatihah for him and replied my friend's sms...
"it's time for him to meet the Creator...ALLAH swt...may ALLAH place him under His condolence to you and family."
i had an intention to go to the hospital on my way to school on that morning but i knew i'll be late therefore, i didn't principal is an unpredictable person...i couldn't think of what she'd be saying if i am late to school, a religious teacher approached me with a question...
"hani, did you go and visit marsita?"
-"i didn't go. i might be late if i go. "
"never mind then. i'm going to ask permission from the pricipal to recite yassin for arwah khalish. if you do not have teaching and learning session, come and join us at mussola. "
" i will."
later on, i got to know that no one ( i do not know if this news is true or false) from the school visit the poor family at the representatives at all...maybe! no more comments on that!
to those who still alive, this virus is so dangerous especially to the youngs, old people and those who have chronic diseases such as asthmatic, diabetic, kidney problem, heart problem, hipertension etc. let's be more aware of this virus and reduce your outdoor activity...if you have to, wear mask for protection. if you have toddler, make sure you take bath and change your previous clothes to avoid anything miserable happened to them.
"mati itu pasti, hidup itu Insya-ALLAH"...qoute Laksamana Sunan by Ramlee Awang Murshid in Trilogi Bagaikan Puteri.
semuga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. Al-fathiha."
("Assalamualaikum, muhd khalish had passed away at 2.50 am.
may Allah bless him. Al-fathiha.")
....i received an sms at 3.03 am on 14 august from my friend telling that her youngest son passsed away due to influenza A (H1N1) after being isolated over a week in icu, hosp tuaku jaafar, seremban. never had a chance to meet him when he was alive (maybe i did but i didn't noticed it), i was speechless in the quiet morning...i recited Al-fatihah for him and replied my friend's sms...
"it's time for him to meet the Creator...ALLAH swt...may ALLAH place him under His condolence to you and family."
i had an intention to go to the hospital on my way to school on that morning but i knew i'll be late therefore, i didn't principal is an unpredictable person...i couldn't think of what she'd be saying if i am late to school, a religious teacher approached me with a question...
"hani, did you go and visit marsita?"
-"i didn't go. i might be late if i go. "
"never mind then. i'm going to ask permission from the pricipal to recite yassin for arwah khalish. if you do not have teaching and learning session, come and join us at mussola. "
" i will."
later on, i got to know that no one ( i do not know if this news is true or false) from the school visit the poor family at the representatives at all...maybe! no more comments on that!
to those who still alive, this virus is so dangerous especially to the youngs, old people and those who have chronic diseases such as asthmatic, diabetic, kidney problem, heart problem, hipertension etc. let's be more aware of this virus and reduce your outdoor activity...if you have to, wear mask for protection. if you have toddler, make sure you take bath and change your previous clothes to avoid anything miserable happened to them.
"mati itu pasti, hidup itu Insya-ALLAH"...qoute Laksamana Sunan by Ramlee Awang Murshid in Trilogi Bagaikan Puteri.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
lambaian kasih budimu disanjung
10 august 2009, we had a special school assembly on monday morning...all administrators lined-up on the front, well dressed...including the very important person on the day...hosted by a bahasa melayu teacher, she started the assembly with a short speech before we proceeded with the national anthem and state's song.
after all being seated, the very important person was asked to give his farewell speech...i could sense that he was a bit unprepared yet uncomfortable due to what he's about to say...he started the speech with a smile...and it continued evenly...he spoke about his first timer came to the school on year 1991 ( i was 13 yr old then...), he made jokes...we laughed, he advised the students...they listened, he advised the teachers...we(myself)...agreed, he humbly apologised...we accepted it.
me...tried hard not to cry...but yes, tears dropped on my cheek...quickly being dried with one's quite difficult to control my feelings on that peaceful monday morning coz i wasn't prepared for it...(do i sound so typical?) i thought he'd be leaving us on 16 august so we'd be able to see him till end of the week...
whenever we love a person, a special feelings are built and grown in our heart...therefore, when a time came for him to be far away from us, that we could never have chance to communicate like before, the feelings of sadness easily appeared...and that's happened to me...
no deny i feel comfortable to work under his supervision coz he'd been showing understanding and accepting our opinions in a good manner...thus, i feel unhappy to have a new person to take his post...
being promoted in young age is an opportunity for an educator like him...therefore, he should accept the offer coz it's one of the way for him to show what he's able to do as the senior assistant one... i strongly believe that this person is to be a good leader in the new school like he always be in our school...
to en. ab. razak bin junus...i wish you have a wonderful time to serve in your new school...and had a great and unforgettable moment in duma...i personally will always remember you as the great senior assistant of curricular.
till we meet again...! a warmest regards to you ;)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
perkhemahan perdana smkduma 2009
i am proudly announce that i have been appointed as one of the person-in-charge of transportation instead of being the 2nd camp commander :D yippie! yabedabedu!!! at least i don't need to be there 24-hrs...
am thinking to get myself involved on saturday coz there will be a jungle-trekking actvt...! don't want to miss it...maybe we are using the previous trek or the new one...who knows...yg pentingnya i nak main air during the actvt...
some pics taken during the camping.
i feel like i can eat a horse!
Monday, July 20, 2009
the (failed) benchmark visit to kelate
here are some pics during our journey to kelantan
our first stop...smk zainab 1 aka semenza
both admins were pictured together-gether
second stop...smka lati...we're in their bilik gerakan aka meeting room...
the poor seremban people wandered...where is the bus?
the man in black t-shirt said...i don'twant to be stranded for the 2nd time!
"...sabar cikgu...sabar..."
(pdhal aku yg da nk tbakar...dorang relax jer sbb da experienced kan...tu yg dpt thn sabar
lastly aku meletop gak :p....)
"sian kat dorang ni...mcm mana nak balik seremban ek...kita da amek bus dorang"
"kalau bus x sampai dorang kene dok atas bumbung ler...jalan kaki lambat sampai kehkehkeh"
-di antara dialog2 ganaz lg sadis oleh mereka yang memerhati...sampainya ati korang ckp cenggitu....x baik tau ;(
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
STDUMA is the CHAMPION for the second year consecutively in the competition!
N9 is the host of this year competition, held in glory beach resort, port dickson and smkduma (formerly known as stduma) WON! the team has make the state, the school and Jelebu district especially...proud...yes! we are proud of them! we are!
N9 is the host of this year competition, held in glory beach resort, port dickson and smkduma (formerly known as stduma) WON! the team has make the state, the school and Jelebu district especially...proud...yes! we are proud of them! we are!
can't wait to meet them on friday and we'll have a grand party to welcome them!
will take pictures of them...and upload it for ur view...see ya!
the team with senior assisstant of curricular, en ab. razak junus (in pink baju melayu) and gkmp bahasa, en mohd yazid (wearing glasses), senior assisstant of student affair, hj adanan mahamad dom (standing 2nd fr left)
with gkmp tech & voc, en amirudin, pn. zurina and the gstts...azreen, ida and musliha
4th frm left- mohd helmi ramli had won the best "pemantun" 2-yr consecutively!
well done helmi!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
i'm stressed here ladies and gentlemen! too many datelines! ahhhhhhhhh.........I'M STRESSED!!!
any advice?
any advice?
Monday, June 22, 2009
sasterawan negara datuk a. samad said...
datuk a. samad said or friendly know as pak samad came to our school to give a talk on UTUSAN SUKMA...he's a small size person...with his long and white hair...i'll upload his pic soon

datuk a. samad said giving a speech...
closer view of pak samad
he's busy signing and the girls are busy taking his pics ;)
nisah haron...
one of the famous writer in malaysia right know
she's given her speech on the early session of Utusan Sukma
Sunday, June 21, 2009
30-3 / 2
2nd day...from padang to tasik maninjau...

sriwijaya...such a nice and comfy place...i really like it! unfortunate, the water was too hot in the afternoon...=p
view from the top of the 2-month old hotel in padang. there are so many buildings with minangkabau roof- influence from the buffalo's horns
30-3 / 1
some pics during my trip to padang - bukit tinggi
we're not allowed to take pic here...we don't know till we got back =p
time: am
the beautiful clouds...
look like 'gula kapas'...i wonder if i can have a small cloud that can bring me anywhere like the famous cartoon character - son-goku...hehehehe
he loves to joke around and use to tease us along our trip
when his turn to be teased, he just laugh loudly...
this guy has unique sound of laugh i tell you...
really love the place...the water is crystal clear and so peaceful
unfortunately, i had fever and headache before departed to padang ;(
1st lunch - nasi padang...the white chicken on the top is called 'ayam pop', in front is pucuk ubi and sambal ijo, on far left is ayam masak merah...the soup is known as soto...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
two days more...
it's been couples of months i did not have new entries...due to my not-so-quite-hectic schedule :P...nothing to share therefore nothing to type hehehe...
this coming school holidays, i'm joining my friends for a short holiday to padang...will be going on this saturday at 7 am from lcct, sepang. our trip is for 5-day and 4-nite...this will be my 1st time joining them for a big event...i mean i'll be 24-hrs with them.
i hope that i can get to know more some of them despite chatting during working hours...i believe that with outdoor activities, people have opportunity to freely mix with each other without hesitating...will take pics and upload it later...till then, bye. ;)
this coming school holidays, i'm joining my friends for a short holiday to padang...will be going on this saturday at 7 am from lcct, sepang. our trip is for 5-day and 4-nite...this will be my 1st time joining them for a big event...i mean i'll be 24-hrs with them.
i hope that i can get to know more some of them despite chatting during working hours...i believe that with outdoor activities, people have opportunity to freely mix with each other without hesitating...will take pics and upload it later...till then, bye. ;)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
mak long...
mak long smsed us...
"check-in at 3 pm. don't came too early,but it's ok if you come late...and don't forget to bring toto, pillows and lauk-lauk yang da masak siap2...nanti kita heat guna microwave kat sana...don't forget to recite doa2 before going there...minta ALLAH selamatkan kita semua, dalam apa saja aktiviti... perjalanan ka, mandi-manda ka, jalan-jalan ka...semuga ALLAH pelihara kita semua...amin."
that's my eldest aunt from my father's side...she's too eager in reminding us about the family family didn't has opportunity to joined her last year due to my sister and brother's extra classes therefore she keeps reminding us to join her plan this year...she smsed everybody in order to alert us about the matter. my little cousins are the most eager persons to go there because they wanted to play in the swimming pool and at the beach as well...
myself, still have a lots of works to do - books to be marked...files to be completed...lesson plans to be wrote...exercise to be photocopied...registration for spm candidates...lots more waiting in the list...ahahaha...what a life!
well hani, do one at a time...stay calm and you'll be sure can complete all works at times! meanwhile, enjoy the gathering and don't spoil mak long's plan...cheers!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
first time ever
i have been asked by my curricular senior teacher during a marching competition in our school on thursday morning...
"nazrul, can i put your name under the negeri contingent for merentas desa? the training will begin this evening."
"where's the training place?"
"at sk petaseh. you'll be staying there for about a week and later on the contingent will go to penang for the tournament. you'll be the chaperone lah..."
"if you agree, i'll fax your name to jpns so that they can give you the calling letter. so how?"
"who else are going?"
"me...our school had organised the state level therefore we'll have to handle everything excluding the training. the athletes will be trained by their coaches...take your time and think about it. give me the answer later"
me...thinking about it while watching the students marching...why not? i'll get experience how the atheles will be trained...and how to be a chaperone...huhuhu...(mcm pengasuh jerk!)
"ok...i'll go"..."alrite, i'll fax your name right now, wait for the calling letter and you'll go there tomorrow morning. i'm going there this afternoon."
later, i got the calling letter signed by cgu razak aka gpk koku...back home, i packed my clothes for a week because i didn't plan to go back to my house. i went to sk petaseh last year for F1 in school challenge competition. well it is an old school and complete with hostel yet the students are not more than 300 (if i'm not wrong)...therefore it has vacancies for us...only 2 teachers + 32 students will be staying there for a week...
at home, i had to do a few works before going to petaseh...first, i've packed my things. second, i stapled the questions booklets alone till 3 am...woke up a 5.30 am and get ready to school as usual because i've to send my sister to school...reached my school at 7.30 to hand-in the questions booklets...yawning....then i went to petaseh...i saw nobody there...nor cgu razak, coaches, the athelets...where's everybody? went to the admin office, i were told that they went out to practice at the track...hmmm, looked like that i've to wait...
while waiting them at the admin office, the school's gpk hem called me into her office...
"are going to stay in our hostel?"..."well, yes puan. why?"
"i've got a report from the warden that your students were making noise last night therefore i want you to make sure that it won't happen again, will you?"
'what the *******? i've been warned on the first day!?'
..."alrite puan. thank you for the info...i'll let the students know of their wrong doing. excuse me."...siap kau bebudak...awal2 lg aku da kene bang! mcm mn la dorang tu ekk? ni yg x best nih!
i went to the hostel, met the warden and the chaperones...(this is a primary school therefore the chaperones are needed to handle the residents after school over)...they said nothing about the noise (did she lied to me???) but told me the athletes did'nt wear proper attire...they're wearing shorts around the building which is disallowed at the hostel. okay, i understood...
i went back to the canteen and saw the team...met with puan jun, other team managers, the coaches and the many indians bai! ayoyo...patut pun so many complaints!!! apa nak dikata...dah sampai takkan nak balik plak...buat malu nama sekolah jer...nasib baik gpk koku aku ada sekali kalau tak sorry lah...
well, you guys should be able to imagine if there are too many of them at a place...HEADACHE!!!...they are active...not only on the track but also at the hostel...and also in the bus, dancing for hours with loud music playing in the air. of course the mollywood songs...phewww! what an experience!!!
cgu shan had ask me to join the team for next year...i told him if cgu razak is in, i'll go then...ahahahaha...dia tepuk dahi ayoyo! ini main request ke? of course ingat i main-main ke? hehehe
in my opinion, i don't think my principal will let me go because i'll be teaching spm classes next year...but let's just wait for it...bye.
"nazrul, can i put your name under the negeri contingent for merentas desa? the training will begin this evening."
"where's the training place?"
"at sk petaseh. you'll be staying there for about a week and later on the contingent will go to penang for the tournament. you'll be the chaperone lah..."
"if you agree, i'll fax your name to jpns so that they can give you the calling letter. so how?"
"who else are going?"
"me...our school had organised the state level therefore we'll have to handle everything excluding the training. the athletes will be trained by their coaches...take your time and think about it. give me the answer later"
me...thinking about it while watching the students marching...why not? i'll get experience how the atheles will be trained...and how to be a chaperone...huhuhu...(mcm pengasuh jerk!)
"ok...i'll go"..."alrite, i'll fax your name right now, wait for the calling letter and you'll go there tomorrow morning. i'm going there this afternoon."
later, i got the calling letter signed by cgu razak aka gpk koku...back home, i packed my clothes for a week because i didn't plan to go back to my house. i went to sk petaseh last year for F1 in school challenge competition. well it is an old school and complete with hostel yet the students are not more than 300 (if i'm not wrong)...therefore it has vacancies for us...only 2 teachers + 32 students will be staying there for a week...
at home, i had to do a few works before going to petaseh...first, i've packed my things. second, i stapled the questions booklets alone till 3 am...woke up a 5.30 am and get ready to school as usual because i've to send my sister to school...reached my school at 7.30 to hand-in the questions booklets...yawning....then i went to petaseh...i saw nobody there...nor cgu razak, coaches, the athelets...where's everybody? went to the admin office, i were told that they went out to practice at the track...hmmm, looked like that i've to wait...
while waiting them at the admin office, the school's gpk hem called me into her office...
"are going to stay in our hostel?"..."well, yes puan. why?"
"i've got a report from the warden that your students were making noise last night therefore i want you to make sure that it won't happen again, will you?"
'what the *******? i've been warned on the first day!?'
..."alrite puan. thank you for the info...i'll let the students know of their wrong doing. excuse me."...siap kau bebudak...awal2 lg aku da kene bang! mcm mn la dorang tu ekk? ni yg x best nih!
i went to the hostel, met the warden and the chaperones...(this is a primary school therefore the chaperones are needed to handle the residents after school over)...they said nothing about the noise (did she lied to me???) but told me the athletes did'nt wear proper attire...they're wearing shorts around the building which is disallowed at the hostel. okay, i understood...
i went back to the canteen and saw the team...met with puan jun, other team managers, the coaches and the many indians bai! ayoyo...patut pun so many complaints!!! apa nak dikata...dah sampai takkan nak balik plak...buat malu nama sekolah jer...nasib baik gpk koku aku ada sekali kalau tak sorry lah...
well, you guys should be able to imagine if there are too many of them at a place...HEADACHE!!!...they are active...not only on the track but also at the hostel...and also in the bus, dancing for hours with loud music playing in the air. of course the mollywood songs...phewww! what an experience!!!
cgu shan had ask me to join the team for next year...i told him if cgu razak is in, i'll go then...ahahahaha...dia tepuk dahi ayoyo! ini main request ke? of course ingat i main-main ke? hehehe
in my opinion, i don't think my principal will let me go because i'll be teaching spm classes next year...but let's just wait for it...bye.
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